HP LaserJet 4V, 4MV fuser installation instructions
Installing the fuser.
Turn the printer off and unplug the printer. The fuser might be hot if you have been using the printer. As a safety precaution wait 30 minutes for the fuser to cool before proceeding.
Open the manual feed tray. Next, press the release button located in the top right hand corner of the fuser door and swing the fuser door open.
Notice how the fuser assembly is fastened onto the door you just opened. Remove ONLY the five screws circled below--leave any other screws fastened to the fuser.
Next you must free the fuser's metal bar as shown below. To free the bar, flex the white panels on either side of the fuser and pull the fuser upwards to get the metal bar up and out of its slots. Repeat this process for freeing the corresponding metal bar on the other side of the fuser.
To install the replacement fuser you will again have to flex the panels and allow the metal bar to drop and catch in its appropriate slots on each side. Then replace the five screws.
That's it for the fuser! Remember to send your used fuser back to us if you purchased your maintenance kit on exchange. Ship it back in the box we sent if you still have it.
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