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HP LaserJet 9000 , 9040 , 9050 Tray 1 pickup roller , feed roller, and separation roller installation instructions

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Installing the Tray 1 pickup roller, feed roller, and separation roller.


Important note: These parts are only included in PrinterTechs' extended kit, not in the standard kit. If you purchased the standard kit, you can skip this installation step and proceed to the next page in the instructions.

Also, you may not have Tray 1 installed on your printer (it is an optional device). Consult the diagram below if you are not sure you have Tray 1 on your printer. If you don't have Tray 1, or if you did not purchase the Extended Maintenance Kit with the extra rollers, you can skip this installation step and proceed to the next page in the instructions.

Open Tray 1. Locate the plastic cover pictured below, which is hiding the three rollers you need to replace.

Remove this plastic cover by pressing its tab down, lifting the cover upwards, and then sliding the cover towards you and free.

Press the tab on each roller and slide each roller of its shaft.

Begin replacing the rollers back to front. The two grey&blue rollers go in the back; the single black & grey roller sits in the front. The rollers should lock into place on the shaft as they are reinstalled.