608-831-2396 or 866-352-7108

50.1 Fuser Error on HP LaserJet 8100 and 8150

A 50.1 error on a LaserJet 8100 or 8150 series printer is usually a failed low voltage power supply.

This power supply is compatible with all HP LaserJet 8100 and 8150 series printers
part numbers: RG5-4357, RG5-4300, C4265-69006, C4214-69020

purchase here


The LaserJet 8100 and 8150 series printers are notorious for the Low Voltage Power Supplies (LVPS) failure. Because of high failure rates, we actually replace these power supplies in every LaserJet 8100 and 8150 series printer we rebuild.  If the LVPS has gone bad, you will usually see a 50.1 fuser error on your display. In some rare cases a 50.1 error will mean a low fuser temperature and your fuser has failed, but our experience has shown that the vast majority -- at least 85% -- of the time it is the LVPS.
Here's a fast test to confirm the power supply is really the problem: if you can, borrow a working fuser from another 8100/8150 printer and swap out your fuser. If the 50.1 error does not go away with a working fuser in place, you need to replace the Low Voltage Power Supply.

Full-color instructions are included with the purchase.